But is the pink princess philodendron worth the cost? Let’s dive into why this philodendron variety costs so much, where you can actually purchase one, and how to take care of it if you manage to bring one home.

Pink Princess Philodendron Cost

The PPP is so expensive because it’s rare. Although it’s a cultivar of Philodendron Erubescens, which is relatively common, pink variegation in philodendrons doesn’t happen on its own that often. To produce the coveted mottled pigment, it must be grown from tissue culture. Even so, not every batch will result in a bright pink splash.


Because the plant can not be reliably propagated to guarantee pink variegation, even if the mother plant is already heavily variegated with pink, most growers won’t risk spending the time and money on trying to mass-produce them.

Social Media Popularity

Like the polka dot begonia, social media exposure has increased the demand for the PPP (and, in turn, increased the price). A quick search on Instagram under the hashtag #pinkprincessphilodendron will result in tens of thousands of posts of the pink beauty. The plant’s viral presence paired with its difficulty to cultivate make this houseplant a collector’s dream if they can afford it.

How to Buy a Pink Princess Philodendron

Unfortunately, you are not likely to come across a full pink princess philodendron for sale at your local garden center. These plants are typically sold via cuttings at specialty nurseries or from resellers on Etsy or Facebook marketplace. Some people are essentially selling part of their personal collection.

Risk When Buying

Although it may be tempting to order a pink princess philodendron cutting from a reseller, remember that most of the sellers are hobbyists and not necessarily trained in horticulture. They are not nurseries and are not likely to guarantee the product or reimburse you if the plant gets damaged during shipping. If you are going to order online and spend a significant amount of money on shipping, purchase from an experienced grower. If spending so much money on a risky plant doesn’t sit well with you, opt for a low-maintenance houseplant with a lower profile.

Imitation Plants

Also, beware of imitation plants. The pink Congo philodendron is often marketed as a PPP. It has solid pink leaves that will eventually revert to all green, unlike the pink princess philodendron, which, generally, keeps a balance of pink and green variegation.

Pink Princess Philodendron Care

Fortunately, the pink princess is a Philodendron erubescens, which means you can follow the general care instructions for the plant. Philodendrons, in general, are easy to care for plants. The pink princess can grow up to two to three feet tall as a houseplant if you follow these care tips:

Soil: They like loamy, nutrient-rich, well-draining soil.Temperature: Like all tropical plants, the pink princess philodendron thrives with continuous moisture and mild temperatures, between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.Light: The only thing you need to concentrate on with a PPP is providing it with bright, indirect light to help keep its variegation. The variegation of plants is due to a lack of chlorophyll. This means the plant needs more light to keep the variegation. However, avoid direct sunlight, which will cause the variegated leaves to turn yellow. An east- or west-facing room that gets sunlight for part of the day is ideal.Water: Philodendron erubescens is drought-tolerant when established, but it’s best not to let it get to that point. However, allow the soil to dry out between watering to prevent root rot.