If you’re ready to expand your food knowledge, check out our list of 11 grains that you need to know. We’ll also explain how you should be buying, cooking, and using each of these different (but still somewhat common) types of grains. Who knows—you might just find a new-to-you grain that changes your dinner menu rotation for good.

Taste: mild and nutty Health benefits: The high protein content in this grain/seed helps people on plant-based diets meet their required daily protein needs. Cooking time/method: Bring 1 cup amaranth and 2 cups water to a simmer, cover, and cook until tender and water is absorbed, about 20 minutes. Eat with: Amaranth is great when combined with other grains—add a few tablespoons to a pot of oatmeal for a protein-packed boost to your favorite morning dish.

Taste: mild, chewy, and dense Health benefits: As a high-fiber food, barley helps lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent the development of type 2 diabetes, and aid regularity. Cooking time/method: Boil in a large pot of salted water (similar to pasta) until tender, 45 to 60 minutes. Drain. Eat with: Use barley instead of rice in a paella for a grain with a little extra fiber.

Taste: earthy and nuttyHealth benefits:It is a good source of potassium, B vitamins, iron, and calcium; it also has the same amount of protein as brown rice but less fat and more fiber.Cooking time/method: Simmer 2 parts water to 1 part coarse or medium bulgur until water is absorbed, about 10 minutes. For fine bulgur, use the same ratio but pour boiling water over the grain, cover, and let stand until absorbed.Eat with: Try bulgur with braised meats, or mix it into an herb-packed salad, such as tabbouleh.

Taste: nutty, earthy, and chewyHealth benefits:For the most health benefits, look for whole farro. Rich in fiber, protein, and vitamins A, B, C, and E, farro is low in gluten and easily digested.Cooking time/method: Boil in a large pot of salted water until tender, 35 to 45 minutes. Drain.Eat with: Top farro with a poached egg and wilted greens for an easy dinner.

Taste: Faintly smoky and chewyHealth benefits: The high protein and fiber content in freekeh make it a great option for weight loss.Cooking time/method: Bring 1 cup freekeh and 2 1/2 cups water to a simmer, cover, and cook until tender and water is absorbed (15 to 20 minutes for cracked freekeh or about 40 minutes for whole freekeh).Eat with: Use freekeh in tabbouleh, or add it to a stuffing for roasts.

Taste: firm and nuttyHealth benefits: This type of wheat is packed with protein, fiber, and minerals.Cooking time/method: Boil in a large pot of salted water until tender, 45 to 60 minutes. Drain.Eat with: Simmer kamut in a rich stew, where it will hold its shape.

Taste: mild, subtly sweet, and filling Health benefits: Oats are known to keep you fuller longer due to their high fiber content. Cooking time/method: Bring 1 cup rolled oats and 2 cups water (or 4 cups water if using steel-cut oats) to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender (5 to 15 minutes for rolled oats or 30 to 45 minutes for steel-cut oats). Eat with: Top cooked oats with seasonal fruit, or add rolled oats to baked goods.

Taste: grassy and nutty Health benefits: Quinoa is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. It’s also a good source of magnesium, which protects against osteoporosis. Cooking time/method: Boil in a large pot of salted water until tender, 12 to 15 minutes. Drain, return to pot, and let stand, covered, for 10 minutes. Fluff before serving. Eat with: Cook quinoa in equal proportions with rolled oats for a protein-filled breakfast porridge, or add cooked quinoa to muffins and cakes for extra protein and texture.

Taste: nuttier than white rice Health benefits: People love whole grain rice because of its easy digestibility and high fiber content that help improve overall gut health. Cooking time/method: Bring 1 cup rice and 2 cups water to a simmer, cover, and cook until tender, 45 to 60 minutes (depending on the type). Let sit, covered, for 10 minutes before fluffing and serving. Eat with: Serve rice with a chicken stir-fry or roasted meats and vegetables.

Taste: chewy and nuttyHealth benefits: Spelt is another grain that has a high protein and fiber content.Cooking time/method: Simmer like pasta until tender, 50 to 75 minutes. Drain.Eat with: Toss spelt into salads or add it to veggie burgers.

Taste: firm, nutty, and earthyHealth benefits: Wild rice has a high protein and fiber content and contains many other essential minerals.Cooking time/method: Simmer like pasta until tender, 50 to 75 minutes. Drain.Eat with: Blend wild rice with other rices or roasted vegetables for a layered side dish.