And why not leave the harsh chemicals behind while you’re at it? Crack open the windows, press play on a new audiobook, and read on for a room-by-room breakdown of DIY cleaning concoctions you can whip up using many of the essential ingredients found right inside your home (more all-natural solutions in our comprehensive guide). Not the DIY type? Discover our top picks for green cleaning products that can be purchased at a store near you. Sinks, tubs, and ceramic tile: Combine 1 tablespoon liquid Castile soap and 1/3 cup baking soda and use a soft scrub brush. Wipe doors down with a few drops of lemon oil twice a month to help prevent buildup. Scuffed floors: Apply 2-4 drops of tea tree oil to spots. Wipe excess oil with a cloth and rub in distilled white vinegar. If linoleum, you can also try reducing marks by scrubbing them with toothpaste and a dry cloth until no toothpaste residue remains. Toilets: Add 2 teaspoons tea-tree oil and 2 cups water to a spray bottle. Shake, spritz along the toilet’s inside rim, let sit for 30 minutes, and scrub. Windows: Wipe with 2 ounces water and 10 drops lavender or lemongrass oil to remove smears. Chrome: Combine 2 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap and 3 tablespoons white vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake well, spray onto the chrome surface, and let sit for 10 minutes. Wipe with a damp cloth and buff with a dry cloth. Stovetop and vent hood: Add a few squirts of liquid Castile soap to 2 cups hot water, then use it to clean and cut through grease. Sink: Rub lemon juice onto faucet taps and let it sit overnight, wiping with a damp cloth to combat lime scale. To refresh up the garbage disposal, cut a lemon in half and run both pieces through the disposal. Grout: Add lemon juice to 1 or 2 teaspoons cream of tartar (an acidic salt that acts as a natural bleaching agent) to make a paste. Apply with a toothbrush, then rinse for cleaner tiles. Dishwasher: Pour 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar into the reservoir, or place a small bowl filled with vinegar on the bottom rack, and run an empty cycle to disinfect the interior. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to your dishwashing detergent to help cut through grease. Cutting boards and containers: Slice a lemon in half, squeeze onto the soiled cutting board surface, rub, and let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing. Rub lemon juice on dishwasher-safe containers, let dry in a sunny place, then wash as usual. Upholstered furniture: Sprinkle baking soda on fabric, then vacuum to remove odors. To clean leather, combine 2 drops liquid Castile soap and 1 quart warm water and apply with a barely moist sponge, then dry. Walls: Apply a baking-soda paste (equal parts baking soda and water) to white painted walls (baking soda may dull colored walls), and let dry before brushing it off with a clean cloth to erase crayon and other scuff marks. Laundry: Add 1/2 cup lemon juice to the rinse cycle of a normal-size load to help brighten whites. Steam iron: Fill the iron with equal parts vinegar and water and press the steam button. Turn off, let cool, empty, and rinse to get rid of mineral deposits. Garden tools: Dip a moist stiff-bristled brush in washing soda to scrub trimmers, clippers, and other non-aluminum tools. Rinse, then place in a sunny area to dry. Grills and barbecue utensils: Dip a moist stiff-bristled brush in washing soda and scrub to combat tough grease stains. Rinse and let dry completely.