1. Clean Every Corner

Cobwebs are usually built in undisturbed places, such as corners and behind furniture. “Continually cleaning and decluttering will discourage spiders from establishing webs,” says Emma Grace Crumbley, an entomologist at Mosquito Squad. arachnids. Seal any cracks and crevices with caulking to block spiders from making their home inside your house.

2. Remove Food Sources

Kari Warberg Block, CEO of EarthKind, a company that develops plant-based solutions to keep pests away without killing them, says spiders “won’t live somewhere without an adequate food source, so keeping other household pest problems under control will also control spiders.” The kitchen is usually where pests and food find each other. Wash fruits and veggies every time you bring them into your home to avoid attracting other pests. Crumbley notes that bugs sometimes hide in the leaves and packaging. Wash trash bins, stove tops, and garbage disposals. Sweep under tables and anywhere that food crumbs might hide.

3. Apply Peppermint Oil

Spiders hate the smell of peppermint. Fill a spray bottle with water and 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil and spray in places spiders tend to hide—under furniture, in closets, and in other corners and crevices of your house. In addition, add a few drops of peppermint oil to a cotton ball and strategically place them in trouble spots.

4. Hide Chestnuts

Chestnuts have a scent that keeps spiders at bay. Place chestnuts around your house where spiders can sneak in. Basements, attics, windowsills, and door frames are prime locations. The best part about chestnuts is that they don’t leave any residue behind when scattered around the house.

5. Incorporate Cedar Wood

Cedar acts as an excellent spider repellent. Incorporate as much cedar into your house as possible. Fill your closet with cedar hangers or keep your clothes in a cedar chest. Place cedar blocks inside dressers, drawers, and other small spaces where spiders might dwell.

6. Make a DIY Cleaning Spray

To prevent spiders from making webs behind bookshelves, large furniture, closets, and more, Block says to “use a spray made of half a cup of water, half a cup of vinegar, two tablespoons of liquid dish soap, and 20 drops of thyme oil. The scented mixture has been used to prevent them from attaching their silk to sprayed surfaces.”

7. Repel Spiders with Dish Soap

Another natural spider repellent you can make from household supplies is a mixture of water and liquid dish soap. Dish soap disturbs the egg cycle of spiders, and the insects strongly dislike citrus scents—lemon, lime, or orange-scented soap will do the trick.

8. Turn Up the Music

By far the most fun of all the options is Block’s recommendation to add music to your cleaning routine. Sounds help ward off spiders. Block says that “spiders don’t have good eyesight, so they count on vibrations to detect their meals. The vibration from music will interfere with spiders’ ability to pick the perfect time to feast, and it will make them move to a quieter area elsewhere.”

Do Natural Spider Repellants Work?

Yes, natural spider repellents are effective, but to keep your home spider-free, you’ll have to be consistent. Cleaning daily and spraying surfaces regularly will help ensure that your home isn’t a permissive environment for any new 8-legged friends.

What Is the Best Natural Spider Repellent?

Of all the options, it’s hard to say which will be the best for your home. You can use each method individually or combine them—listen to music while cleaning the kitchen with dish soap and place cedar and chestnut throughout the rest of the house. Much depends on the climate and plant life around your neighborhood. Spiders seem to be attracted to humidity. To ward them off, Crumbley says to “manage your home’s humidity and moisture. Avoid overwatering your houseplants and do not leave wet towels on the floor or counter.”